We had an appointment at the
factory to have work done on our new camper so decided to turn it into a tour
of Indiana. (350 miles from Sperry Ia)
where we are spending the summer.
On our first day we had to drop the camper off at 8 am and
was told to return at 4.00, what to do?
We had the dog with us to and it was near 90 degrees. So I packed a
cooler and we’re off for a drive up to Benton Harbor on Lake Michigan. Of course I had to slip my feet in the lake
and check out the beach.
A bonus side trip
in town was to a father and son Start-up Company, builders of retro classic
I’m in love…. with the camper,
exactly what I’m looking for. We need
something smaller to get into those little places that a 40 ft. fifth wheel won’t
go. My dream is to go wandering the
country in a classic camper.
We made it back by 4.00
and were amazed to find Randy’s long
list of repairs done!
The Menno-Hof Museum
, about the
Mennonites and Amish in Indiana gave me some insight into their way of life. The Amish decline to own cars, radios or television and rejecting the use of phones and electricity inside their homes. It was a good start to
spending time in the area. Horse and buggy's everywhere you go though out the county and may Amish riding bikes!
f |
Just a few blocks from where we camped a big flea
market was going on so with umbrellas in hand and very wet feet
we walked the grounds. Lots of crafty ideas, but with limited space in the camper didn't find anything I couldn't live with out. Did I mention we had thunderstorms 8 of the 10
days we were there?
The best part of the day, Randys anyway was lunch at the Amish style restaurant and the country store.
Took in a few factory
Rv tours, not real encouraging about the term " hand crafted by the Amish". They were putting things together with air guns! I have a whole different eye now when looking at campers.
While out on a drive around the area I came across the neatest little gardens. It was established by a pioneering fellow who started a nursery on three acres which expanded into 400 acres in his lifetime. The original garden was part of the Chicago worlds fair!
What a perfect little stroll!! You never know what you'll find along the way.....
A nice end to our
trip was a visit with our friends and fellow full time Rvers Ron and Bev who
met us for lunch and a visit to the RV Hall of Fame Museum..
Randy is still not convinced theses are meant for him.... No Tv?
This is also a quilters paradise, quilt shops a may. Beautiful quilts made by hand for sale in the shops. They even have quilt gardens. Also everyone seems to enjoy flowers in window boxes and some unusual planter boxes!
We now are heading south 500 miles to spend time with
daughter Amy and family in Tennessee!
Lets hope it is another uneventful drive as we go from north to south through Indiana...